Happy Birthday Ruba

Dear Darling Ma

Happy 59th Birthday.

Always thought I was your favourite, I won’t lie. I had to be, didn’t I. Your first born, a daughter, who you could doll up, take on endless shopping trips, partake your beauty wisdoms to, and watch endless romcoms with.

But it’s always been Anuj, hasn’t it na ma. All these years I thought it was me but I was so wrong ma. This year proved it. He’s up there with you now. Continue reading “Happy Birthday Ruba”

Happy Birthday Ma

Happy Birthday Ma! I hope that this day brings you everything you ever wanted and keeps you happy and loved and blessed, wherever you might be right now.


Found this treasure while going through old family albums in Shimla with Akanksha. I had so many questions to ask about this picture.. what were you thinking, who clicked it, what all did you do in Bombay, how was the camel ride, did you all have fun?? But will leave that for the day when I get a chance to do so, if that ever comes. For now, I will content myself on keeping you as close to me as I can. Can’t believe I had not put up a picture of you in my house, but when I found this one, I knew this is what I wanted to remember you as. Always. Happy, young, beautiful, and loving the feel of the water lapping at your feet.

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Chicken Kiev and All That Butter….

I must have been 9 or 10 years old when I first had a bite of Chicken Kiev and fell in love. It was an experience I never forgot and I never thought I would taste it again for a long long time, well until I reached Russia this year. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s go to the beginning first.

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Himachal Chronicles: Palampur and around

Earlier this year, we made a family trip to Palampur, to celebrate my husbands grandfathers 90th birthday. 90 years, can you imagine! And nanaji is a legend, if I may say so. Hale and hearty, and ready with glorious stories of his past, it’s always a treat to spend time with him. For his 90th, he wanted to visit his village in Palampur, the place where he grew up and went to school as a boy,  and his home where he had countless memories of play and family.

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Farzi Cafe : DLF Cyberhub

Everyone in India has been raving about Farzi cafe, and this year when I visited India for my annual vacation it was on my must-visit-and-be-gluttonous list. Weeks went by and we got so busy with family functions, friends, etc etc that the Farzi dream seemed to be slipping away. And then the younger brother came-a visiting along with his adorable girlfriend. No more reason was needed. Husband, me, brother and girlfriend made our way there on a wonderful Saturday afternoon and sat down to eat.

And eat we did. With our eyes, hands, and minds.

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The Blog-aversary Special

May in blog-sphere is always a time to celebrate for me. Last year I began a new monthly link-up blog party with my fellow blogger buddies Pooja, and Upasna, and we have now completed a full year woohooo. And if you remember from last years first #BlogAlong post, May was also the month when I completed a year since my first blog post; so a double whammy!

So May 2016 rings in 2 years of blogging solo, and one year of #BlogAlong. So Happy Blog-aversary to me, Happy Blog-aversary to me, Happy Blog-aversary to meeeee!!

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Dancing Queen

Sunday morning.

Wake up. Walk groggily to the laundry room, put clothes on wash, rinse, repeat cycle. Get back into bed. An hour later, wake up to the sound of the washing machine politely letting you know it’s weekend duties are done and now the ball is back in your court, (or the laundry back in your basket, hehe).

Make the morning coffee, sip it while rolling up the blinds to let the morning sun in. Leave a cup for Arjun Singh while he catches up with the news. Take the clothes basket to the clothesline. Still groggy.

Uh-oh sun’s still not out. And I woke up an hour early to wash these clothes.

Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go

na-uh, not me. The girls in the apartment next door and their radio. Can hear them laughing, singing along to the song.

Continue reading “Dancing Queen”

Five Things To Do In Melbourne When You Don’t Know What To Do

#BlogAlong in March is all about travel. Our love for travel and of course your love for travel too.

Being an Army kid, as cliched as it sounds, travelling is in my blood. It’s what keeps life exciting, right? And every time I get extremely nostalgic about returning to India, Arjun always reminds me that I am a fauji bacha. ‘Ours is not to question why, ours is but to travel, and keep life on the fly

Excuse my extremely bad rhyme, but you know what I mean eh!

Continue reading “Five Things To Do In Melbourne When You Don’t Know What To Do”