I Love Hot Chocolate and I cannot lie

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring to you July’s Fabilicious star: the ever-warm, always-sinful, but oh-so-feel-good HOT CHOCOLATE.


What’s not to love about this drink, Chocolate: Good, Milk: Good, Marshmallows and Whipped Cream: oh-so-Gooooood!

Hot chocolate is the definitive go-to drink in winters. And since it’s the middle of winters out here in Melbourne,  it is also the coziest companion. Snuggle up in bed with it, have it alongside a warm flaky croissant in a café, or just sip it while carousing across the city; spouses/partners have a lot to live up to :P

There are multiple schools of thought as to what makes the perfect Hot Chocolate.  Home made, instant, full cream milk, light milk, soy milk,  chocolate slab, chocolate shavings, cocoa powder, with milk, in water, with cinnamon, without cinnamon, some like it foamy, some like it thin.  Whatever be your fancy, there’s a hot chocolate mug for everyone out there.

Sure, there are numerous ways of making this drink; one can be a hot chocolate snob and make it by melting chocolate slabs into full fat milk, and topping it off with marshmallows and whipped cream. That’s when you get that amazing thick consistency and rich chocolate taste that stays on your tongue.

Of course you can also stay true to your healthy self, and use cocoa powder with skimmed milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon to get your very own light hot cocoa.

And of course there are hot-choc gluttons like me, who will top off their melted chocolate into light milk, and then top it off with marshmallows AND Cointreau. I want it ALL!

One of the easiest ways I used to make hot chocolate back home was heat up Cadbury’s cocoa powder into milk and add cinnamon. Oh, the deliciousness! In fact the other day I had a mug of cocoa at Brunetti’s and god, it transported me back. You think they use Cadbury’s too? Hmmmmmm.

My Indulgence at Brunetti
My Indulgence at Brunetti

I am planning to do a series on the top spots for a Hot Chocolate in Melbourne, but until then let us all say Hallelujah and be thankful for this wonderful creation. To celebrate this love, let me leave you with some super-yummy imagery to celebrate a Fabilicious Hot Chocolate-y July.

Aaah, hot chocolate, how do I love thee, let me count the ways….

 I love you Spicy!

Mexican Hot Chocolate http://www.restaurantgirl.com/spiked-mexican-hot-chocolate.html
Mexican Hot Chocolate http://www.restaurantgirl.com/spiked-mexican-hot-chocolate.html

 I love you Dark!

Image taken from www.purlbee.com
Image taken from http://www.purlbee.com


 God, I love you Spiked!

Kahlua Hot Chocolate http://damndelicious.net/2013/12/03/kahlua-hot-chocolate/
Kahlua Hot Chocolate http://damndelicious.net/2013/12/03/kahlua-hot-chocolate/

Oozing with cream….


….and of course,  with tons of Marshmallows!



How do YOU love Hot Chocolate?

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